FBISE   has already announced the date sheet of the SSC annual examination 2021 and yesterday on 22nd April it has also announced the schedule of  HSSC as well.

On Twitter, FBISE tweeted regarding the examination schedule:

Also, Government has closed schools and educational institutions in areas with corona positivity higher than 5% as Coronavirus third wave is spreading very fast and higher death rates are being reported.

The student's reaction was very harsh and students were saying that educational institutions have been close how can the government take an examination with such preparation and they demanded cancel of the examination.

The hashtags #imrankhanjawabdou#ImranKhanCancelExam,#cancelcieexams2021

were trending on Twitter and student are demanding the cancelation examination as students are not prepared for examination as all educational institutions are closed  in almost all areas of Pakistan,

Most importantly Waqar Zaka is running the cancel examination campaign and he has also said on Twitter that he wants Prime Minister Imran khan to reply on this and want to know his opinion.

He further said that has he no interest in student's lives or Is he making it an ego problem not even tweeting regarding this?

This is what he said:

  Hope exams will be canceled. Comment down to share your ideas and share with friends.